Pisces( 21.02 - 20.03 ) Monthly horoscope

Aries( 21.03 - 20.04 ) Monthly horoscope

Taurus( 21.04 - 21.05 ) Monthly horoscope

1. card, - Six of swords
The key word is wandering. Temporization and small troubles, partial successes. Incapability to distinguish which way you should follow.

2. card, - Nine of pentacles
Wealth, success and acknowledgment. Family life without any troubles and working inter generational relationships. Heritage, upcoming marriage or following family traditions.

3. card, - Eight of swords
The key word is restriction. Frustration which you transmit to your close friends. You are the worst enemy for yourself. Do not restrict yourself.

4. card, - Queen of cups
Good-hearted, pleasant and social person. May be artistically talented with a rich imagination. Genuineness and loyalty. Will make sacrifices for beloved relatives.

5. card, - Knight of pentacles
Stuffy and flexile person who misses fantasies. She/he is not interested in anything, isn’t courageous. She/he is self-satisfied and negligent.

Gemini( 22.05 - 21.06 ) Monthly horoscope

Cancer( 22.06 - 22.07 ) Monthly horoscope

Leo( 23.07 - 22.08 ) Monthly horoscope

Virgo( 23.08 - 22.09 ) Monthly horoscope

Libra( 23.09 - 23.10 ) Monthly horoscope

Scorpio( 24.10 - 22.11 ) Monthly horoscope

Sagittarius( 23.11 - 21.12 ) Monthly horoscope

Capricorn( 22.12 - 20.01 ) Monthly horoscope